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Use table below for information on how to compile a song box

| Name	     =
| ArtistType = Use this field to specify if this song is anyone other than 'Mansun'
| Album	     =
| EP	     =
| Single     =
| Demo	     =
| B-side     = Type Yes is song is a b-side, otherwise Leave blank or remove field for NO
| Cover	     = Type Yes is song is a cover song, otherwise Leave blank or remove field for NO
| Length     = hh:mm:ss
| AltTitles  = Alternative / Working titles
| Writer     =
| Recorded   =
| Producer   =
| ReleaseRef = Cite any references to when song was released
| ChartRef   = Cite any references to when and what position the song go to in the relevant charts
| Mixed	     =
| First	     =
| Latest     =
| Released    =
| Chart	     =
| Publisher  =

Auto categorisation

If specified will carry rendered variable outside box to article page