The Chad Who Loved Me (Song)

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Mansun Song
Name The Chad Who Loved Me
Demo Mansun: The Demo Tapes (33)
Track length
  • 5:02 (Album version) »
  • 4:29 (Near final demo)
Writer/composer Paul Draper
Producer Paul Draper
Mixed by Clif Norrell
Published by Universal

'The Chad Who Loved Me' is a song by Mansun which was first released on the bands debut album 'Attack of the Grey Lantern'.

Release information

Attack of the Grey Lantern
26 March 1997 (Japan)
28 April 1997 (UK)

Mansun: The Demo Tapes
Bootleg release / May 1999
as: The Chad Who Loved Me (Near Final)

Song Credits

Paul Draper - Vocals, Guitars, Piano, Synthesizer
Dominic Chad - Lead Guitar
Stove - Bass
Andie Rathbone - Drums
Strings arranged by Stefan Girardet
Mixed by Clif Norrell
Recorded by Mike Hunter, Ian Caple and Ronnie Stone
Produced by Paul Draper
Written by Paul Draper and published by Universal Publishing Ltd.

Liner Notes

Lquote.png Like many things on Mansun records the title of this track was changed at the last minute, jokingly. It was originally called 'Despairate [sic] Icons'. Where the band kicks in with the drums after the string intro was where it started when we originally recorded it, and then the strings were bolted on from a seperate session. I really wanted this as a single, but nobody else was keen, really. Written in various stages, with myself, and Dom Chad working out the strings in various stages, it was all joined together at the mastering session. Nobody had heard it in its full glory until it was mastered as it only existed as an idea in my head. I'd had the lyrics for a while, and originally the track segued into a song called 'The Most To Gain'. Rquote.png
Paul Draper Attack of the Grey Lantern 3CD Collectors Edition


The Chad Who Loved Me

All come crashing down, your desperate icon You've got to gob on, your desperate icon You'll all come crashing in, your desperate icon You've got to gob on, your desperate icon

Am I a God or am I Jesus? Am I a man or am I a boy? Do I feel love or just possession? Do I feel holy or nothing at all?

You can't deny That your shit just tastes as sweet as mine And you can't deny That your shit just tastes as sweet as mine Sweet Jesus

lyrics by: Paul Draper
